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welcome to
Anam Cara Ministries 

However you found your way to this place

and whatever brought you here, you are welcome!


This is a space for tending the interior life.

This is where the art of compassionate curiosity

and truth witnessing is practised.

This is where body, mind and spirit are honoured

because everything belongs.


May you find here

welcome for the seeker,

hospitality for the soul,

companioning for the journey we call Life.




"In everyone's life, there is a great need for
an anam cara, a soul friend.
In this love you are understood as you are
without mask or pretension...
Love allows understanding to dawn...
where you are understood,
you are at home."

Anam Cara

John O'Dononhue

Anam Cara comes from the Celtic and literally translates as Soul Friend. It has its roots in the ancient tradition of being accompanied on the journey of life with a "Friend of the Soul". The Soul Friend holds space for the Seeker and gently explores with the Seeker what God - however the Seeker has encountered God - might be speaking into his/her life.


In Anam Cara Ministries, this accompaniment is offered as Soul Tending.


Anam Cara Ministries

Anam Cara Ministries
Soul Tending

Soul Tending

Soul Tending is a safe space where you and I can explore what God, however you encounter the Divine, is speaking into your life as you experience it in your body, mind, and spirit. The aim of Soul Tending is to nurture and bring into unity your relationship with God, with others and with yourself.


Soul Tending is not, nor is it meant to replace counselling, psychotherapy or life/career coaching. My practice interweaves spiritual direction with elements of psychological process and somatic awareness. Each session may focus on one or more of these aspects, depending on what will facilitate greater awareness, understanding and integration of body, mind and spirit for you. 


Modes & Rates

Modes & Rates


Online sessions are held over Zoom:


60 minutes:   $150.00


75 minutes:   $187.50


90 minutes:   $225.00

in person

In-person sessions are held at 

San Damiano Franciscan Centre.


These rates include the booking fee for

the use of the premises.


60 minutes:   $180.00


75 minutes:   $225.00


90 minutes:   $270.00

Book a Session

Book a Session
The First Session

If you are booking your first exploratory session, please do the following:


  1. Fill out this Introduction Form where you can introduce yourself and share what you are hoping for from the session.

  2. Choose the mode:
    Online New - for a weekday online session 
    In Person New - for a Saturday session in person at San Damiano Franciscan Retreat Centre

  3. Click the corresponding button below. You will be directed to a Calendly booking page and an email will be sent to your email address with the options for a 60/75/90 minute session and the respective payment links. Please note that your booking is confirmed only upon receipt of payment.



If you would prefer a weekday slot during office hours, please drop me a note on the Contact page below.


Subsequent Sessions

If you are already on a Soul Tending Journey, you are welcome to book your next session by selecting and clicking one of the buttons below. You will be directed to the regular Calendly booking page and an email will be sent to your email address with the options for a 60/75/90 minute session and the respective payment links. Please note that your booking is confirmed only upon receipt of payment.

A Blessing for Coming Home

Godde of Homecomings,
our lives are a pilgrimage journey
seeking the discovery of home in the world. 
We travel, not in straight lines, 
but in circles and spirals, revisiting old patterns
and ways of being that need healing,
trusting in life’s unfinished nature, 
but also our deep desires of the heart calling us
to re-orient ourselves again and again. 
Magnify our vision
so that each journey we make leads 
to expanded growth and wisdom.
Help us to continue to dive into 
the refreshing river of life,
allowing the current to carry us closer to you. 
Carve out in us a space for both grief and joy,
so we may meet life with eyes and heart wide open. 
Remind us of the ancient pilgrims we travel with,
seeking an experience of you beyond boundaries
drawing us closer to our own wild edges. 
Those moments when we do arrive home,
give us the deep rest we desire, 
where we remember your presence in all that we do. 


Christine Valters Paintner

- Soul of a Pilgrim Prayer Cycle

rest. reclaim. restore. (1).jpeg

the Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

The labyrinth is a pattern that has its roots in antiquity in many cultures around the world. It is a single path that winds its way from the entry point at the outermost edge to the centre. Lauren Artress, who rediscovered and reintroduced the labyrinth to the world in the 20th C, says it best: "It is an archetypal blueprint where psyche meets Spirit." It is used as a walking meditation, a tool for focusing, centring and prayer, an aid for stress-relief, gaining clarity, healing of body, mind and spirit, enhancing creativity... its uses are as manifold and as diverse as the people who walk it.


There is no right or wrong way to walk the labyrinth. There are, of course, suggestions for how to walk it, but how each person feels drawn to actually walk it is different and very personal. Some feel drawn to walk in at the entrance, follow the path to the centre and out again via the same path. Some may feel drawn to simply walk the outer perimeter, not once entering the labyrinth proper. Others walk straight to the centre and sit there, walking straight back out again when they are done. You have permission to play, explore, be open... be.


Anam Cara Ministries offers a half-day labyrinth retreat with guidance and facilitation of the retreatants' experience. Here's what some past  retreatants have to say about our Labyrinth Retreats:


"Time of day, venue on a hill, serenity of garden, excellent facilitation 😊, meaningful sharing and edification, expression through creative medium." - S. Q.


"It was welcoming, not intimidating for participants who are new to this experience & place." Anon.


"What made all the difference was Edwina's facilitation afterwards. Gave the experience so much more meaning and very helpful insights." O. S. 


"I enjoyed the early in the morning experience, especially since it is only otherwise possible on live in retreats. The introduction leads one in and through the labyrinth. There was time to process after and share it. The Retreat unfolded at each stage. True Gift." P. D. S.


"Facilitators were gentle and un-intrusive. They provided a safe space to share and they listened actively. The issues that unfolded were thus heartfelt and deep, as our heart spaces opened and we could begin to excavate the obstacles and blocks that were preventing us to be who we were meant to be as God intended." B. T.


"I found the facilitation by Edwina allowed us the freedom to make personal choices (eg. to join in or not, go at our own pace) while at the same time offering encouragement/ suggestion to choose what might be most helpful. I felt really energised after that, it was truly a life giving and affirming time for me to be renewed in the Father's love again." C. L.


"Grateful for the peace and felt God’s presence for the first time in a very long time. Those who have inner struggles and need space to reflect about what was going on in their lives would benefit." E. G.



If you would like to experience the labyrinth for yourself, check out the Events page below for our upcoming offerings.

We hope to meet you at the Labyrinth!

upcoming events

rest. reclaim. restore.

rest. reclaim. restore.

a series of half-day retreats

incorporating the labyrinth & somatic practices 

Image by Jan Kohl

In the struggle of daily living, seeing to the needs of the family, attending to the demands of work and commitments to the different communities we are each part of, it is easy to lose sight of the unique, complex gift we are. Parts of us can get shut down, or be made to 'behave', to contort or disguise themselves just so that we may be accepted, can experience a sense of belonging and so survive in the family, school, work place, church, friendship group, institution or the country we reside in.


The season of Easter calls us specifically to "proclaim good news to the poor...

to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives

and release from darkness for the prisoners" (Is 61:1)


What of the poor, down-trodden parts within us that we habitually squash, beat up on and deprive?

What of the grieving, sorrowing parts within to which we tend to say, "Get over yourself already!"

What of the true Self within us that doesn't see the light of day because we are simply too afraid that it may be found unacceptable, unworthy, unlovable?


If this resonates with you, join us over 3 Saturday mornings from May to July 

to rest from the struggle of the day-to-day,

to begin to explore gentler ways of being with the parts of us that we struggle with,

are ashamed of or just plain don't like,

and so to allow God, however you know the Source of all being,

to restore you to the fullness of the gift you are.




4 May 2024


8 June 2024


20 July 2024


7.30 - 11.30 a.m.


Canossian Lifesprings

Spirituality Centre

100, Jln Merbok

S 598454


Journey [$330]

3 sessions @ $110/session


Twin [$250]

any 2 sessions @ $125/session


Taster [$150]

any 1 session @ $150/session

* Each retreat is limited to 12 pax. Once a retreat is fully subscribed, you are welcome to put your name on the waitlist and you will be contacted should a space become available.

Cancellation policy:

If you are unable to attend a session you have booked and paid for, you may choose to EITHER transfer the booking

OR receive 50% refund per session cancelled up to 10 days before the retreat date; no refunds thereafter.


Marcus F.

 I was in a search of two things that seemed incompatible with a secular life containing endless chatter:
quiet and insight.
Edwina’s accompaniment was a helpful blend of precisely those two things. She carried a silence into our reflections and then wisely teased out the heart of the issues that I was grappling with. Indeed, Edwina speaks to the heart because she speaks from it. I repeatedly found encouragement, and strength in her sincere words and thoughtful direction. 

Priscilla C.

Edwina is extremely knowledgeable and an expert in her line of work. Each soul-tending session or activity (e.g Labyrinth) is led with gentleness and compassion. I enjoy the organic growth and authenticity of our conversations during those sessions. I most appreciate the safe space to share and to be given practical approaches and resources that would allow me to grow more holistically and authentically. I always feel well-equipped and cared for after every session with Edwina, and I always look forward to every session with her.

Rachel K.

It has been a gift to be accompanied by Edwina on the journey. Her empathy, non-judgment and ability to listen deeply have comforted and gently challenged me in the best ways possible through different seasons of life. As an embodiment of what it means to be a vessel of the Lord, she has guided me to see God’s goodness and faithfulness anew!

Vincent T.

Edwina easily grasped my sharing and directed me compassionately with useful frameworks that I could practise myself. Her temperament and knowledge in integrating the workings of the mind, body and spirit is truly a gift!


an ode to anam cara

Edwina’s presence

is hard to describe
She enkindles in our sessions
wisdom, beauty, and light.

Edwina's insights
always catch me by surprise
She is gentle yet firm
humorous but so wise.

With Edwina, my soul knows
we are safe and held
and we dare go to the dark places
because we feel deeply felt. 


Thank you, Edwina, for the gift of life anew

I hope more will encounter the divine through you. 



Mariel C.


Edwina Yeow

Edwina has been guiding, companioning and encouraging spiritual seekers for over 25 years.

She has a Masters of Arts (Theological Studies) from Broken Bay Institute, Australia, a Masters of Social Science (Counseling) from Edith Cowan University, Australia, and is a certified Labyrinth Facilitator from Veriditas. Edwina also trained in retreat giving and spiritual direction at St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre, Wales.


Edwina is the founder of Anam Cara Ministries and a sought-after soul guide in Singapore. She is known for her unique, interdisciplinary, whole-person approach to soul tending which helps people of different ages and backgrounds to enter the holy ground within and encounter God-Beyond-All-Names.

About me

Contact Me

Drop me a line if you have further questions and I will get back to you at the earliest opportunity. Blessings!

Thanks for getting in touch!

Or email me at

© 2022 Anam Cara Ministries

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